אונטערשייד צווישן ווערסיעס פון "מוסטער:צייגט בוך"

פון המכלול
קפיצה לניווט קפיצה לחיפוש
ק (הגהה)
(ווייטערפירן צו מוסטער:Cite book)
צייכן: נייע ווייטערפירונג
שורה 1: שורה 1:
<includeonly><cite class="book" style="font-style:normal" {{
#ווייטערפירן [[מוסטער:Cite book]]
  #if: {{{ref|}}}
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  #if: {{{author|}}}{{{last|}}}
  | {{
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    | [[{{{authorlink}}}|{{
      #if: {{{last|}}}
      | {{{last}}}{{ #if: {{{first|}}} | , {{{first}}} }}
      | {{{author}}}
    | {{
      #if: {{{last|}}}
      | {{{last}}}{{ #if: {{{first|}}} | , {{{first}}} }}
      | {{{author}}}
  #if: {{{author|}}}{{{last|}}}
  | {{ #if: {{{coauthors|}}} | <nowiki>;</nowiki>&#32;{{{coauthors}}} }}
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    | {{
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      | &#32;({{{month}}} {{{year}}})
      | &#32;({{{year}}})
}}{{ #if: {{{author|}}}{{{last|}}} | .
  #if: {{{chapter|}}}
  | &#32;"{{
    #if: {{{chapterurl|}}}
    | [{{{chapterurl}}} {{{chapter}}}]
    | {{{chapter}}}
  #if: {{{editor|}}}
  | &#32;in {{{editor}}}:
}} <b>{{
  #if: {{{url|}}} | [{{{url}}} {{{title}}}] | {{{title}}}
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  #if: {{{series|}}} | , {{{series}}}
  #if: {{{language|}}} | &#32;{{לינקשפראך|{{{language}}}}}
  #if: {{{publisher|}}}
  | {{#if: {{{format|}}}{{{others|}}}{{{edition|}}} | ,&#32; | .&#32; }}{{
    #if: {{{location|}}}
    | {{{location}}}:&#32;
  #if: {{{pages|{{{page|}}}}}} | ,&#32;{{{pages|{{{page}}}}}}
  #if: {{{doi|}}} | . [[Digital object identifier|DOI]]:[http://dx.doi.org/{{{doi|{{{doilabel|}}}}}} {{{doi}}}]
  #if: {{{id|}}} | . {{{id}}}
  #if: {{{isbn|}}} | . ISBN {{{isbn}}}
  #if: {{{oclc|}}} | . [[OCLC]] [http://worldcat.org/oclc/{{urlencode:{{{oclc}}}}} {{{oclc}}}]
  #if: {{{url|}}} | {{
  #if: {{{accessdate|}}} |
  . דערגרייכט דעם {{{accessdate}}}
  | {{
    #if: {{{accessyear|}}}
    | . Retrieved {{
      #if: {{{accessmonth|}}}
      | on [[{{{accessmonth}}} {{{accessyear}}}]]
      | during [[{{{accessyear}}}]]
}}.{{ #if: {{{quote|}}} | &nbsp;"{{{quote}}}”
This is a COinS tag (http://ocoins.info), which allows automated tools to parse the citation information:
  --><span class="Z3988" title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004<!--
  -->&rft_val_fmt={{urlencode:info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book}}<!--                  Field descriptions: http://www.openurl.info/registry/docs/mtx/info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book
  -->&rft.genre=book<!--                                                        book: a publication that is complete in one part or a designated finite number of parts, often identified with an ISBN.  (genre could also be bookitem, conference, proceeding, report, document, or unknown)
  -->&rft.btitle={{urlencode:{{{title|}}}}}<!--                                The title of the book. This can also be expressed as title, for compatibility with version 0.1. "moby dick or the white whale"
  -->{{#if: {{{chapter|}}}  | &rft.atitle={{urlencode:{{{chapter}}}}}  }}<!-- Chapter title. Chapter title is included if it is a distinct title, e.g. "The Push Westward."
  -->{{#if: {{{last|}}}      | &rft.aulast={{urlencode:{{{last}}}}}      }}<!-- First author's family name. This may be more than one word ... e.g. Smith, Fred James is recorded as "aulast=smith"
  -->{{#if: {{{first|}}}    | &rft.aufirst={{urlencode:{{{first}}}}}    }}<!-- First author's given name or names or initials. This data element may contain multiple words and punctuation, e.g. "Fred F", "Fred James"
  -->{{#if: {{{author|}}}    | &rft.au={{urlencode:{{{author}}}}}        }}<!-- This data element contains the full name of a single author, e.g. "Smith, Fred M", "Harry S. Truman".
  -->{{#if: {{{date|}}}      | &rft.date={{urlencode:{{{date}}}}}<!--
  -->{{#if: {{{year|}}}      | &rft.date={{urlencode:{{{year}}}}} }}    }}<!-- Date of publication. Book dates are assumed to be a single year. (or ISO 8601)
  -->{{#if: {{{edition|}}}  | &rft.edition={{urlencode:{{{edition}}}}}  }}<!-- Statement of the edition of the book. This will usually be a phrase, with or without numbers, but may be a single number, e.g. "First edition", "4th ed."
  -->{{#if: {{{publisher|}}} | &rft.pub={{urlencode:{{{publisher}}}}}    }}<!-- Publisher name. "Harper and Row"
  -->{{#if: {{{location|}}}  | &rft.place={{urlencode:{{{location}}}}}  }}<!-- Place of publication. "New York"
  -->{{#if: {{{pages|{{{page|}}}}}}    | &rft.pages={{urlencode:{{{pages|{{{page}}}}}}}}      }}<!-- Start and end pages for parts of a book, e.g. "124-147" ... This data element includes the OpenURL 0.1 definition of "pages".
  -->{{#if: {{{series|}}}    | &rft.series={{urlencode:{{{series}}}}}    }}<!-- The title of a series in which the book or document was issued. There may also be an ISSN associated with the series.
  -->{{#if: {{{isbn|}}}      | &rft.isbn={{{isbn}}}                      }}<!-- International Standard Book Number (ISBN) ... i.e. "057117678X" but it may contain hyphens, e.g. "1-878067-73-7"
  -->{{#if: {{{oclc|}}}      | &rft_id=info:oclcnum/{{{oclc}}}          }}<!--
  -->{{#if: {{{doi|}}}      | &rft_id=info:doi/{{urlencode:{{{doi}}}}}  }}<!--
  -->{{#if: {{{url|}}}      | &rft_id={{urlencode:{{{url}}}}}          }}<!--
<pre dir="ltr">{{צייגט בוך|title= |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |year= |publisher= |location= |isbn= |page= |pages= |url= }}</pre>
[[קאטעגאריע:ציטירן מוסטערן|{{בלאטנאמען}}]]

יעצטיגע רעוויזיע זינט 03:57, 22 מאי 2023

ווייטערפירן צו: